0 intro apr

0 intro APR offers are commonplace nowadays, and are available worldwide from reputable financial institutions.

With these offers, you pay zero percent interest on your account balance for an introductory period, which, depending on the country, lasts from 1 to 9 months, and in cases even longer.

Taking up on such as offer is easy, but remember to pay attention to the agreement details, which dictate for which type of balance you get zero percent interest.

Not all cards offer zero balance on balance transfers from other cards and may only offer such terms for payments you make with the new card for the introductory period.

On other cases, you may get the 0 APR for only the transferred balance from other cards.

These cards are not for everyone.

If you never borrow money on your card and do pay off your existing balance in full each month, then clearly having a 0% credit card would be of little use.

In this case there are other types of cards that may be more suitable, such as the cards that offer cashbacks, for example, of as high as 5% on the purchases you make with the credit card.

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