candlestick stock charts

Candlestick stock charts are convenient tools in technical analysis based strategies, as these charts contain a lot of information on one look.

That information includes daily high, open or closing price, if stock closed lower or higher, and daily low.

Many times, these charts are referred to as "Japanese Candles". Some refer the origins of these charts to the use of the charts (starting from centuries ago) by Japanese rice traders.

The candlestick charts also contain patters, which can be interpreted to give market signals.

Typical signals include the hammer, morning star, and there are lots of other patters that have been interpreted with this chart style.

Candlestick Stock Charts - Resources

To find actual charts with candlesticks for stocks, you can take a look at some of the free resources available on the web.

These free resources include:

  • (choose candlestick from the Interactive charts' chart style selection)
  • (choose technical analysis charts, then cdl chart type)

If you'd like to know more about the available candlestick charting technical analysis strategies, there are good books to read on the topic, including:

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