Currency Futures Exchanges

There are several bigger currency futures exchanges, located in Chicago and New York. The leading forex futures exchanges are Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and New York Board of Trade (NYBOT).

These biggest exchanges dominate the U.S. forex futures market, and they are major players internationally. The benefits these institutions have internationally are stabile environment, long history in business, and competitive fees.

Currency Futures Exchanges – Chicago Mercantile Exchange

CME’s forex products include FX futures as well options on futures. Nowadays, the company offers virtually 24-hour access to its products electronically.

CME’s products help businesses to transfer their risk because futures markets attract those wishing to limit risks as well as those willing to take on extra risk to capitalize on market opportunities.

CME offers FX products for at least the following currencies:

  • Australian Dollar
  • Brazilian Real
  • British Pound
  • Canadian Dollar
  • Euro
  • Japanese Yen
  • Mexican Peso
  • New Zealand Dollar
  • Norwegian Krone
  • Russian Ruble
  • South African Rand
  • Swedish Krona
  • Swiss Franc

Currency Futures Exchanges – New York Board of Trade

In 1998, the union of the Coffee, Sugar & CocoaExchange, Inc. (CSCE, founded in 1882) and the NewYork Cotton Exchange (NYCE, founded in 1870) created the New York Board of Trade (NYBOT).

The NYBOT has a state-of-the-art trading floor in New York’s financial district. The exchange offers a wide range of FX products for several currencies, including:

  • Australian Dollar
  • Canadian Dollar
  • British Pound
  • Euro
  • Swiss Franc

NYBOT’s global currency division is called FINEX, and trades a broad array of currency options in addition to FX futures.

The exchange has a history of being innovative in the forex futures markets, including being the first exchange to trade euro futures and options.

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