free real time stock charts

You can find free real time stock charts and quotes from online financial information portals.

You should look for providers that don't have delay in their quotes (many have 15-20 minute delays in the output of the quote).

Examples of providers for free real time price information, including charts, include:

  • (click on the real-time/ECN link on a page for a specific stock quote)

These providers mainly pull their data from the major ECNs (electronic communication networks).

A Real-time ECN Quote is a real-time quote from the participating ECNs and the quote does not necessarily represent the best bid or ask in the marketplace.

ECN's (Electronic Communications Networks) are electronic marketplaces that match buy and sell orders with each other.

Of the above providers, participating ECNs are:

  • Archipelago, INET, Knight (
  • Island, Instinet (
  • Island, Instinet, REDIBook and Archipelago (

According to, Island, Instinet, REDIBook and Archipelago represent over 90% of the total ECN market share.

Free Real Time Stock Charts - Other Providers

The problem with getting actual market prices (apart from ECNs) is that the exchanges that provide them charge for their use and may offer the delayed quotes free of charge (at least on discounted basis) to providers of financial information.

Some providers, however, offer the service free of charge on limited time, trial basis. at least offers from time to time this service free of charge to their Real-Time Market Tracker subscribers.

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