Mexico Exchange Rates
Mexico exchange rates for the peso are available from Banco De México, the central bank of Mexico. However, the rate service is somewhat limited, which is why you may want to consider using some of the other services.
In addition to the exchange rates, you can find data for many other financial and economic indicators affecting the exchange rate of the peso.
Mexico Exchange Rates – Banco De México
The information services of the central bank of Mexico provide interbank rates for the peso against the U.S. dollar. Detailed rates are provided for intraday quotes, with
- opening rates,
- closing rates, and
- exchange rate to settle liabilities denominated in foreign currency
In addition, the rates are quite easy to export from the service into spreadsheet programs, with data available in CSV, XLS, and HTML format.
Mexico Exchange Rates – Other Information Providers
The central bank’s service is limited in use and doesn’t offer the ease of use which is central to many other financial rate services and calculators.
For the Mexican peso, there are several available services for both the currency exchange rates and historical rates. For current rates, here are some exemplary services:
For historical rates of the peso, you might want to take a look at the following:
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