Yahoo Currency Exchange Rate
Yahoo currency exchange rate service offers conversion between the currencies ranging from the Albanian Lek to Zimbabwe Dollar.
The Yahoo finance website is in fact a collaboration between several companies.
For historical chart data and daily updates, Yahoo has the services of Commodity Systems, Inc. (CSI).
International historical chart data and daily updates are in turn provided by Hemscott Americas.
For companies fundamental data the Yahoo service has Capital IQ.
The Yahoo currency service provides quote service, in which you can check the latest interbank quote for all the available currency pairs.
In addition to the quotes, there are also a range of charts available for the most traded currency pairs, such as EURUSD, EURJPY, and USDCAD.
These charts may be of especial value if you trade using technical analysis, as there are charts available for intraday quotes as well as for longer periods of time, up to 5 years into the history.
Finally, the site also offers News and Commentary for foreign exchange traders, from various sources, including Daily FX, AP, and Reuters.
The main page for the Yahoo forex information is at
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