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Forex Guide Blog

Information about site updates and news from investment and forex world.

Jim Rogers Latin America

A look into Jim Rogers Latin America views and outlook from his interviews and books.

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Stock Market Hours

Stock market hours for NYSE, NASDAQ, and TSX.

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Best Money Market Rates

Online web sites that monitor best money market rates include Bankaholic, BestCashCow, and BankRate.

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Mark to Market

Mark to market is an accounting method used, for example, in financial markets to reduce counterparty risk.

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NY Stock Market

NY stock market is run by NYSE Euronext, and whose history can be traced back to the year 1792.

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Free Market Economy

Free market economy is often described as a market system, where the government regulation does not go beyond the minimal functions for upholding the legal system and protecting property rights.

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Russian Stock Market

The Russian stock market is called RTS or Russian Trading System.

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Examples of Monopolistic Competitive Market

Some examples of monopolistic competitive market from academic literature.

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Stock Market Sectors

Stock market sectors are one of the ways to invest into the equity markets.

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Vinkkejä rahanvaihto yrityksiin ja toimintoihin ulkomailla ja kotimaassa.

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Currency Trading Analysis

Currency trading analysis is available from various market commentators and blogs.

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Jim Rogers Taiwan

A look into the Jim Rogers Taiwan views from his interviews and outlook on the country.

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Jim Rogers Canada

A review of Jim Rogers Canada thoughts and his outlook on the country.

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Investing with Jim Rogers

Investing with Jim Rogers was possible during the period from 1970 to 1980 when he ran the Quantum fund with George Soros, but there are possibilities to invest into products that he believes in.

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Stock Market Crashes

When calculated by the changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, there have been several stock market crashes througout the history of the index since 1896 up to 2007.

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Market Price of Biodiesel

There are several ways to keep track on the development of the market price of biodiesel .

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Relative Market Share Profit

Relative market share profit is a method for doing comparative analysis on stocks, and can be used as an indicator in a stock picking method.

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Stock Market Futures

Resources to keep up to date on stock market futures market and on the top analysts for that asset class.

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Fidelity Capital Markets

Fidelity capital markets is department of Fidelity Investments, offering products and services for client trading in all asset classes.

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Vanguard Money Market

Vanguard money market products include money market funds and money market accounts.

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Mental Trading Psychology

Mental trading psychology is studied in academic circles under the label "behavioral finance".

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Daily Bond Market

Some of the available resources for daily bond market commentary and keeping up to date on the bond market changes.

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Money Market Investing

Money market investing is a popular way to invest especially for those situations where there is a need to improve the return on cash.

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Stock Market Trivia

10 short tidbits of stock market trivia from the history and present of the stock market.

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Stock Market Indexes History

Stock market indexes history for Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 stock index.

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Stock Market Vocabulary

A look into stock market vocabulary for some of the expressions used by financial professionals.

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Free Stock Market Tickers

Free stock market tickers are available as downloadable tickers to your desktop and as embeddable applications to your desktop or web pages, including social networking sites such as MySpace.

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Stock Market Timeline

Stock market timeline from the formation of the first stock issuing company in 17th century Holland to the modern fully electronic share trading environment of today.

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Beginner Stock Market Investing

Tips and advice for beginner stock market investing to get you up to speed on available internet resources and how you can hit the ground running when you start investing in the market.

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Automobile Market Share

Some of the resources available of automobile market share to research analysts and investors.

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Gold Market Price

A look into gold market price resources including historical gold prices, gold charts, and gold price analysis.

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Economic Stimulus Plan

Economic stimulus plan policies are based on Keynesian theory of economics, that says that government should use fiscal and monetary measures to counter the adverse effects of economic recessions.

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Warren Buffett Strategy

There are many books and websites that aim to provide Warren Buffett strategy tips, but the best source for such insight comes from the Oracle of Omaha himself.

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Dollar Trade Forex Warren Buffett

Dollar trade forex Warren Buffett outlook is very much tied to his views on the trade balance.

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Warren Buffett Real Estate Bubble

A review of the references to Warren Buffett real estate bubble thoughts and interviews on the subject.

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Warren Buffett Stock Picks

Warren Buffett stock picks are tracked by several web properties, and use the public news releases about the published purchases by Buffett.

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Warren Buffett CNBC

A look into the many Warren Buffett CNBC interviews and specials available for viewing online.

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Forex Trading Robot

Forex trading robot systems are possible to make yourself, and there are also several systems developers selling them.

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Famous Insider Trading Cases

Famous insider trading cases include Ivan Boesky in the 80s and the ImClone case in the 2000s.

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Types of Insider Trading

There are two main types of insider trading : illegal and legal varieties.

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Limitations of Technical Analysis Analysis

A look into some of the limitations of technical analysis and how you can take them into account in your trading.

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More Technical Analysis Tips and Tricks

A few technical analysis tips and tricks that may help you achieve better trading results.

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Peter Schiff Europacific Capital

A brief look into Peter Schiff Europacific Capital brokerage and how you can use their resources in your investments.

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Profitability of Technical Analysis

Profitability of technical analysis is possible to estimate with different types of technical analysis software, using historical data.

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Forex Trading with Fundamental Analysis

Forex trading with fundamental analysis is one of the most used ways to trade currencies.

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Jim Rogers Books

Jim Rogers books include "Investment Biker", "Adventure Capitalist", and "A Bull in China".

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Austrian Economics Books

Central Austrian economics books include works by Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises, and Friedrich Hayek.

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Austrian Economics

Austrian economics emphasizes market efficiency in self-organizing itself and promotes a view of laissez faire approach to the economy.

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Technical Analysis on Forex Market

Technical analysis on forex market analyzes past prices towards trading calls.

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Finance Formulas

Finance formulas for some of the most used financial formulas available.

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