Compare Investment Brokers

Seasonal reviews to compare investment brokers are available from SmartMoney, Barron's, and J.D. Power & Associates.

In the SmartMoney review, at

titled: 2007 Broker Survey: Finding the Best Broker, Neil Parmar, July 10, 2007,

the company evaluates 21 brokers in three categories: premium brokers, full-service brokers and discount brokers.

Barron's evaluates 29 online brokers in eight categories at Barron's broker review

titled: Tools of the Trade, Theresa W. Carey, Mar. 5, 2007.

Finally, J.D. Power & Associates has a review of brokers available at

titled: 2007 Online Investment Firm Satisfaction Study, Editors of J.D. Power and Associates, Oct. 24, 2007.

in which they rank firms based on 5,000 online investors opinions responding to J.D. Power's annual broker survey. J.D. Power and Associates also rated full service investment firms in July 2007.

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