Euro Currency Exchange Rates

Euro currency exchange rates are provided by the European Central Bank (ECB) as a public service.

Euro is the common currency for the European Monetary Union (EMU) members of the European Union. When introduced, the euro replaced such currencies as the German Mark, French Franc, and Italian Lira.

In total, the euro area comprises the 12 European Union countries that have introduced the euro since 1999.

The ECB’s main task is to maintain euro's purchasing power and thus price stability in the euro area. To this end, the European Central Bank acts as the central bank for all the EMU members.

As a part of this service, the central bank offers current and historical exchange rates.

Euro Currency Exchange Rates – European Central Bank

The ECB’s service offers statistical information for researchers, analysts, and anyone wanting to know the latest exchange rates for the Euro.

In addition to rates, there are also information available on the history of the currency, latest ECB press releases related to exchange rates, and other information related to usability and availability of the European currency.

The exchange rates, which are not updated on real-time basis, are offered under the “statistics” header.

As so many other central banks, also the ECB has invested effort into making the data easily exportable to spreadsheets in CSV format. Also, to make reading the tables easier, the data is available in a PDF format.

ECB has also done something unique by making much of the data available for viewing with WAP enabled cell phones.

The euro rate services from ECB are located at

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