Exchange Rate Yen

Here’s a list of resources to find exchange rate yen as a real-time rate, daily rate, and for long term historic rates.

Because of the importance of the Japanese currency, the resources that offer analysis and basic rate services for the Yen are now widely available.

As is with many other currencies, the best resources for long term rates are found within or near the central bank of the country, while sources close to brokerages can provide the best real-time rates.

Exchange Rate Yen – Real-Time Rates

The Bank of Japan (BoJ), Japanese central bank, does not offer real-time intraday quotes at its online service. Instead, you have to refer to one of the services that offer (near) real-time quotes within every trading day of the week.

These services include:


Exchange Rate Yen – Daily Rates

The best source for Yen daily rates is not BoJ, but the online forex portal OANDA. This service offers daily rates for major currencies since 1990, in contrast to the BoJ service, which offers daily rates from early 2001 for EUR and USD only.

The service, which allows you to choose output in an spreadsheet friendly format, is located at:


Exchange Rate Yen – Monthly Rates

For monthly rates, the BoJ offers, free of charge, historic rates for the Yen going as far back as January 1970. The web site is located at .

The data file of the rates, in TXT format, offers additional economic information as well. The TXT format allows for an easy import into most spreadsheet applications for further analysis of the data.

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