Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Converter

Here’s a quick guide to the most popular online foreign currency exchange rate converter services.

Since late 90’s, currency conversion has been one of the most popular online services. What’s great about the basic services is that these conversion tools are generally speaking free of charge.

The most popular currency conversion tools currently are:

  • FXConverter by
  • Yahoo! currency converter

Most Popular Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Converter –

The XE service offers currency conversions for one of the most comprehensive list of currencies, from the U.S. dollar, to Slovakia Korunys and India Rupees.

In fact, the site is so popular and easy to use that The Times magazine named the converter tool world’s second most useful website in August, 2003.

The rates XE uses are based on live mid-market rates, meaning they are derived from the mid-point between buy and sell rates for a currency pair.

Most Popular Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Converter – FXConverter

OANDA, one of the more popular currency related sites, has an online service which offers currency exchange rates.

The service is one of the most comprehensive around, with available rates for 164 different currencies around the world.

In addition, you can customize the interface language to one of the following:

  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

Most Popular Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Converter – Yahoo

Yahoo, as part of its uniquely wide financial online services, offers currency conversion tool. The tool is very simple to use, you just choose currencies, the the amount to convert.

The output is a current conversion rate, plus you get a graphical chart of the currency’s recent (past few month’s) development in the interbank market.

Most Popular Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Converter – X-Rates

This exchange conversion offers several easy to use tools. For one, you can get FX rate conversion results on a table format against major world currencies.

You can also find graphs of the most popular currency pairs with a few clicks of the mouse.

The site also features historical rates as far back as 1990.

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