Forex Foreign Exchange Broker

You can use any Forex Foreign Exchange Broker that is available online, but keep in mind that brokers in different jurisdictions play by different rules.

You should also make sure it is ok by your country's regulators do do online forex investing in online brokers in other jurisdictions.

Some of these jurisdictions have better protection of the investors than others. Also, the regulators for these entities differ from one country to another.

Entities and countries like USA, UK, Japan, Switzerland, Eurozone, New Zealand, and Australia all have dedicated regulatory agencies that see to that the operators in the market adhere to their set of rules.

FX Foreign Exchange Broker - Available Brokers

To best get the list of reliable operators, you should contact the financial regulators of the jurisdiction you're most comfortable with.

These regulating agencies include:

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), USA
Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC), Japan
Investment Dealers Association of Canada (IDA), Canada
Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority, Ireland
Financial Services Authority (FSA), UK
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), France
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), People's Republic of China
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, Pakistan
Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, Mexico

Keep in mind that these companies also provide regulatory texts, which are great reading material before you start reading with the companies so you know their trading framework and standards they need to achieve.

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