Forex News

London is the World's Biggest Forex Center
According to a new study by Bank of International Settlements (BIS), London is the largest forex center by turnover.

China Investment Co Launches
China Investment Co, the eagerly awaited State forex investment company, launches on September 28, 2007, and is expected to make better use of the USD 1.3 trillion in Chinese Forex reserves.

China to Balance International Payments in 5 Years
According to statements made by the China's foreign exchange regulator, China’s central government aims to balance its international payments in the next five years.

Singapore Forex Trading at 7-Year High in 2004
According to the country's central bank, Singapore's forex trading activity was at a 7-year high in 2004.

New EFX Williamsburg Forex Trading Platform Launched
EFX Williamsburg forex trading platform has been launched. The product offers Straight Through Processing (STP) with MBTT for hedge funds and institutional traders.

World Bank Annual Report on Global Finance Released
The world bank has released an annual report on global finance.

NetPicks Forex Signal Service
NetPicks has been a specialist company in the stock index futures markets for several years. However, they have now adapted their trading methodology to the forex markets.

New Forex Trading Platform from Equal Trading Inc.
Equal Trading announced a new forex trading platform that is targeted at businesses and individual traders.

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