Historical Forex Data Download

Historical forex data download is possible from many commercial data providers as well as for free from central banks and online forex portals.

There are many uses for historical data downloads. For one, you can test with it your trading strategies and derive historical profitabily for the strategy. However, historical prices don't fully reflect actual market situation where trading size and other factors play an important role in the quotes you would get.

For those matters, it can be useful to take advantage of some of the existing demo accounts at online forex brokerages. These demo accounts try to simulate actual trading situations as far as possible.

Historical Forex Data Download Resources

If you have a particular currency in mind for historical rates, one of the first places you can look at is the central bank of the home country of the currency. Most central banks supply information to the markets for free as their service and much of this data is available online.

To find central bank web sites, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is authorized to keep a semi-official list of these banks' web sites. The information is located at bis.org/cbanks.htm .

Other great places for historical forex data download resources are the available forex portals.

One of these portals is oanda.com, offering cash, interbank, and credit bank rates. These rates are available in ASCII, CSV, and HTML formats. Especially the CSV format is convenient to be used together with spreadsheet programs, such as MS Excel.

Another source, this one for currency futures, is at ino.com. The site offers free short-term charts and quotes, and the downloadable rates are available for a fee. However, you can always take advantage of a risk-free trial offer for the premium service.

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