Mutual Funds Investing in China

Mutual funds investing in china are often classified under Asia/Pacific -ex Japan funds, and Morningstar lists over 130 of them.

You can do this search yourself at

To find funds that invest only in China on this class of funds, many have "China" in their fund title.

If you find funds that meet your requirements on the screener, you can click through to the description page, which contains historical performance information, fund manager information, and biggest investments in the Chinese market that the fund has.

You should be able to either invest in these funds through your brokerage, or invest in the funds directly.

Once you've found a good fund, it might be a good idea to order their prospectus which lays out their funds investment strategy and other important details you should know about the fund.

Another option is to invest in ETFs, which are traded on traditional stock exchanges.

They are not technically mutual funds, but offer some of the same benefits, yet you can buy and sell them like you would a stock.

This means, that if your mutual fund is declining rapidly in value, you can't sell it until the end of the trading day, whereas you can sell an ETF "intraday", anytime within the trading day.

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