Real-Time Forex Charts

Using real-time forex charts provides a visual approach to the markets. Using a chart makes it easier to assess how markets react to intra-day news, for example.

Real-time FX charts used to be very expensive. Furthermore, availability was limited to high-end trade stations, used mostly in professional brokerages and trading floors.

However, with the invention of mini forex accounts and Internet forex trading, intra-day, real-time FX charts are now available to everyone and the prices are affordable.

How to Get Real-Time Forex Charts

If you’d like to use real-time forex charts in your trading, there are many different options available.

For example, you can spend a little more and get up-to-date with the best systems in the field by purchasing a professional charting system from, for example, Reuters, Bloomberg, or Bridge (a Reuters company).

The biggest obstacle to getting these systems is price. The big trading rooms get deep discounts on these systems as they purchase them on bulk quantities. For a single system, the price is considerably higher.

However, these professional systems provide much more than just real time FX charting. In addition, you can do advanced technical analysis, get real time news flow, and usually export the data to Microsoft applications for additional analysis.

Affordable Real Time Forex Charts

Fortunately for the smaller investor, there are affordable charting systems out there.

In fact, before you purchase a separate charting system, look for brokerages with platforms that integrate real-time forex charts. Some even allow you to make trades directly on the chart without any separate interface for placing trades.

The competition for FX accounts is actually so fierce that providing real time charts, news flow, and indicator analysis package has become pretty much a standard.

So, if you don’t like spending money on separate charting system, look around for the best brokerage that also integrates real-time forex charts to their customer-dealing platform.

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