Swiss Online Forex Broker

Swiss online forex broker companies are regulated by the Swiss Federal Department of Finance.

There are many companies that claim to adhere to the Swiss banking standards, but you should make sure that they are indeed regulated by the Swiss financial authority and meet those standards.

Their website is located at

As English is not one of Switzerland's official languages, only selected documents are translated into English. All translations at their website are based on the definitive text in German.

Swiss online foreign exchange broker - Companies

One of the available companies is MIG Investments, based in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

They offer 24 hour online trading experience based on their advanced online trading software: the MIG Trading Station.

Another one is Advanced Currency Markets (ACM), based in Geneva.

The company also has offices in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Montevideo, Uruguay.

They have over 150 employees globally and offer ISO certified trading, both on the web and with mobile tools.

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